VR Theater Logo Animation
The Challenge
Create an engaging animated loop that would identify and welcome all Siggraph Attendees to the VR Theater. The Animation would be shown on large HD monitors at the entrance pf the VR Experience.
Collaborative Process:
The Animation will be created by students in the Motion Design Department. Each student will create an :08 second animation of a camera move through a unique dimensional environment. The logo will be center screen and will be used as a mask to reveal the new environment behind it, including a new version of the VR Theater Logo. The final animation will be 2:30 in length.
:08 Sec animation of a camera move through an environment
Time & Complexity:
3 Week Deadline - Working individually
Pitch Ideas
Initial concepts with various approaches to the logo/title.
Concept 1: Clay Creatures
Concept 2: Surreal Sealife
Storyboarded Ideas
Storyboarded Ideas
First Pass
Notes: Fill out the background. Put a different texture on the Logo. Have Some Clams Swimming. Maybe add a monster/shark in the back. Figure out what treasure.
Second Pass
Notes: Add another layer of clams. Add some bubbles. Have a coin fall into the pile.
Notes: Fix Color space. Make Shark Darker. Add more clams swimming.