The Challenge

Create 3 exciting and dynamic animations to enhance the live game experience of a Tampa Bay Buccaneers Football Game.


- Let’s Go Bucs (or any other call to action ie. Get hype! Get Loud!)

- TB Buc Logo – Flag, Ship, or text version looping animation.

- Noise Meter or Countdown

3 Week Deadline - Working Independently - Flexible with media and length.

Time & Complexity:

Design Ideas

Pitch 2 distinctly different and unique design approaches for each animation. Show examples of your own style and vision.

Designed in After Effects and Photoshop. Animated in After Effects.

Animation 1: Call To Action

Taking a more 2D, stop motion approach to create more jarring and in your face design and animation. Matching well with the Tampa Bay’s intense theme. The color palette is a mixture of their past colors and their current team colors, with a bold type.

Selected Design.

A 2D design approach of a counting down bomb with a fearless typeface, sticking to the loud theme and look of the Tampa Bay Buccs.

Animation 2: Countdown or Noise meter

A noise meter taking inspiration from a compass and a pirate sword with a more paper texture to represent a pirates map.

A Countdown with the abstracted flag from the logo with repeated pattern of the numbers as they countdown.

Selected Design.

Animation 3: Looping Logo

2D type animation with the name of the team. The color palette reflects the current icon logo and colors, with a bold type.

Selected Design.

2D animation more centered towards the icons associated with the Tampa Bay Buccs. The icons chosen help make easy recognition or the fans or anyone watching. Again, using their current color palette and icon logo.

First Pass

Logo Animation

Notes: Good overall speed/pacing. Find a different way to loop at the beginning. End Buccaneers movement is odd. Establish rules for edges.

Typeface used: Druk Wide Medium (Trial Font)

Call to Action Animation

Notes: Overall pacing slow, make the timing and pacing like the Logo animation. Make the accents move more independently.

Typeface used: Media Sans Bold

Countdown Animation

Notes: Background have more of a passive animation. Maybe a wave on/wave off. Flag waving isn’t moving right. “GO” font isn’t working, edit it or change font that fits with the rest of the numbers.

Typeface used: Bilo ExtraBold & Arial Black

Second Pass

Logo Animation

Notes: Still good pacing. Nice audio. Find a different way to have the wipe at the end. Make it similar to the wipe on.

Call to Action Animation

Notes: Better pacing. Nice audio. Have the letters move more independently, giving them more of a punch.

Countdown Animation

Notes: Good overall pacing. Nice audio; try matching it more to audio. Have the background animation be more of a scale up/scale down wave. Make the flag start more rectangular, breaking the rules of the logo, then snapping into the flag shape.

Final Pass

Logo Animation

Countdown Animation

Call to Action Animation

Composited into Raymond James Stadium Scoreboard.

Mock Ups